Racing Results Spreadsheet

Racing Results Spreadsheet with Pre Race Data

We have taken the RacingFormBook SFF (Single File Format) results data CSV’s and boosted them with salient information which comes direct from our Racecard data files. This will add countless possibilities in assessing, analysing and researching horse racing results. If you are familiar with spreadsheets then this could well be of infinite benefit to you. With just simple filtering you can try out all sorts of ideas to work out trends, statistics and systems.  Of course if you then add in formulas or even some scripts this becomes even more powerful. If you want to do straight forward form study having our extra pre race data can only improve your thoroughness.

Let us get straight to the point and tell you what extra information (to the SFF’s) we provide in the spreadsheet. We list details regarding every single column of information further down the page. This a run down of the new data we are adding to the results.


Form Figures – For each horse the form shown before the race.

CDB – The letters which denote a Course winner. A Distance winner. A Course & Distance winner. With of course whether the horse was a Beaten Favourite on it’s prior run.

Days Since Ran – Simply the number of days since the horse last ran.

Tissue Price – We show the Forcast SP price that as published on the racecard.  We also covert this to a decimal, so in fact there are 2 columns devoted to this.

Racing Spreadsheet PreRace
Racing Spreadsheet PreRace

A Results File to Suit Everyone

Serious and advanced users of horse racing data will be able to make use of these new additional fields. However the Racing Results Spreadsheet will be ideally suited to anyone who wants to start analysing horse racing results. If you have thought about studying racing results before and have been daunted by the prospect of doing so, then our spreasheet may well be ideal for those of you. With spreadsheet applications, like Excel, having built in formula and functions, plus scripting via VBA. Then with little effort you will be able to use the power of the spreadsheet to manipulate and extract the information you require.

Take the Form Figures column for example. Using the Excel formula Right it is very easy for you to extract just the last 2 finishing postions for every horse that ran in the spreadsheet. Using the sample results file above, you would simply go to Column AN Row 2 and enter this in to the Cell. =RIGHT(AI2,2) The results show will be 13. Then simply copy this formula to all the Rows you want. Very basic, but a simple example of the power of the spreadsheet.

Data from the Spreadsheet as a CSV File & RFB Race IDs

If you don’t use a spreadsheet and want these results in the universal CSV format. Then we will include a corresponding CSV format with each download.

Another item of note with regard to the unique RacingFormBook Race ID. We allocate one for every race run and this is the same one used in all our results data. Thus it will make it possible to cross reference and load data between any format.

How is the Racing Results Spreadsheet Updated?

The Racing Results Spreadsheet with the latest and most recent month recults are to included with an existing Full Members subscription. The spreadsheet will also be available to new Subscribers and is updated to download each month. Join us using the Membership Options page.

2022 – 2023 and now 2024 complete years results.

If you would like a copy of these 2 full years of results you can purchase for a one off charge of £17.

The adjacent button will take you to the purchase form at the bottom of this page. Please note if you have received a discount coupon code sent to your registered email address, well here is the place to apply it

If you are a current Full Member you will be able to purchase from the Subscribers Dowload page. Similarly if you have purchased our Past Results data files or the RacingFormBook Access database you will be emailed a Discount Code. The qualifying requirement is that you bought the data in the last 6 months.

Racing Results Spreadsheet Column Details

Please view below the two Screenshots of how the data is laid out and a brief summary of each column. Please do download the Sample Results Spreadsheet to see for yourself how the data will actually look like on your device.

If you have any questions or want to know more please get in touch with RacingFormBook via our ” Contact Form”.

Racing Results Spreadsheet 1
Racing Results Spreadsheet 1

Racing Results Spreadsheet Columns Part 1 above

We detail  the following field or columns as shown in the image above.

ID              This is the unique RFB reference for each individual race

Course      The racecourse the race took place at

RaceDate   Date that the event took place on

RaceTime  Time  the race was scheduled to start

Race         The race title as seen on a racecard as a race description

Type          The race type c = chase h = hurdle b = NHFlat & blank = a normal Flat race

Class        Currently this is the class allocated as a figure from 1 – 7, with 1 being the top class races and 7 the lower class ones

AgeLimit   Single or a range of restrictions for a race, where the race conditions are set by the age of the horses

Prize         The currency value to the winner of the event. This is by the local currency, Pound for the UK, Euro for Ireland

Ran            Number of horses that took part and competed in a race

Distance    The distance in Miles, Furlongs, Yards that the runners raced over

Yards         The distance in Yards that the runners raced over

Going         The ground that race was run over

Limit           Any race that was restricted to a specific ‘Official’ handicap range or upper limit

WinTime     The recorded time that a race took to run

Seconds     The  recorded time shown in seconds

FPos            Finishing position for each runner

DistBtn        The finishing distance behind the horse which was immediately in front of them

TotalBtn       The total finishing distance behind the winning horse

CardNo        When shown the racecard number for each horse

The row of information for each horse contiues next in Part 2.

Racing Results Spreadsheet Columns Part 1 below

We detail  the following field or columns as shown in the image below.

HorseName  The racehorse name and (country of breeding)

Draw            If starting stalls used, the one a horse started in

SP                Starting Price expressed as a decimal figure. i.e. 6/4 = 1.5

Age               How old the horse was at the time of the  race

Stone           The weight in stones part carried by the horse the 9 in 9-7

Lbs               The weight in pounds part carried by the horse the 7 in 9-7

WeightLBS   Weight carried as total pounds

Favs             Used to denote the Favorite & second Favorite in the betting

Aid               Any aids that the horse wore such as blinkers and if for a first time

Jockey         Name of the Jockey riding the horse

Trainer       Name of the Trainer of the horse

Allow           Any weight allowance the jockey was entitled to claim

Or                 The Official handicappers Rating

Comments  Descriptive details on how the horse ran

The following are where the columns from the Racecard Files data are added.

Form           The Form Figures from the last 6 races tun in, most recent to the right.

Days            Number of days since the horse last ran.

CDB              Will show when  a distance winner (D). Course winner (C). Course & Distance winner (CD). Plus also when a  Beaten Favourite (bf) last time out.

Odds            The Forcast Odds or expected Started Price in Fractions format.

Decimal       The Forcast Odds (Tissue Price) as a decimal representation.

Part 2 completes details of all the data that is available in our Racing Results Spreadsheet for every single horse that runs a race in the UK and Ireland.

Racing Results Spreadsheet 2
Racing Results Spreadsheet 2

Purchase the 2022/2023 and now all the 2024

Results Spreadsheet Data Files for £17

When you make a payment, this is done securely via Stripe payment systems, where all major cards may be used. Alternatively PayPal via the adjacent button.          If you have a Discount Coupon Code please use this here.

Once payment is taken, you will have an option to proceed to the download page for your file(s).  You will shortly also receive an email as well. This link is valid for 3 days.

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Purchase of 2022/2023 + all 2024 RFB Racing Results Spreadsheets
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Alternate payment via PayPal, who will securely handle the transaction and once payment is taken, you will be redirected to the download page for your file(s) plus you will be also emailed a link to this. This link is valid for 3 days.

About us

Simply put RacingFormBook will help inform and assist you to find winners and enjoyment from Horse Racing. Provide historical horse racing results data.

Our mission

To further anyone’s ambition to use the information, whether this is as a point of reference, a repository for their ratings or to enable the research into racing systems.

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