Racing Form Book

Horse Racing Results Daily Files

Basic Results CSV Files Download Page

The RacingFormBook’s free racing results files are the basic offering of the horse racing data and available to anyone who has registered (at no charge) with us.

The 2 results files, Main and Details, are in a CSV format. They have been saved in a ZIP file. All file names are stored in a yymmdd to represent that days racing results. B in the Zip name denotes these are the Basic data files. We release the previous weeks results on a Monday and are available to be downloaded from this page. 

While these Basic files are Free it is worth obtaining the full results on a daily basis. These are included and available as part of our Subscriber services and the historical results over a longer period of time are available to download.

These are the Free results CSV files available to download in zipped format.

15Jul-21Jul Mon 15th July to Sun 21st July

08Jul-14Jul Mon 8th July to Sun 14th July

Please make use of these the latest 2 weeks of results files and inform us of how your project is going.

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£6 for a 4 Week Trial then if remaining a member – just £7.99 per month

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About us

Simply put RacingFormBook will help inform and assist you to find winners and enjoyment from Horse Racing. Provide historical horse racing results data.

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To further anyone’s ambition to use the information, whether this is as a point of reference, a repository for their ratings or to enable the research into racing systems.

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