Daily Racecard CSV File

What's In The Daily Racecard CSV File

We cover each meeting from United Kingdom and Ireland to create a Single Daily Racecard CSV File.  The process begins 48 hours ahead of racing where we collate the Raw data. Our aim then is to make the Racecards data available to you at the 24 hour stage. This is normally in the morning of the day before these meetings take place. Please note – in the morning these races take place, we update the racecard data where horses ran the day before, plus major going changes.

This contains all the racing data in one file, in addition lus we provide the Raw data files along with our main racecard.csv.

Format of the File(s)

If you look at our racing results data files, you will see we have two formats in which these are available for downloading.  The Duo, which is in fact two files, then the Single File Format style. the first steps begin with producing the racecard information in a similar way to the ‘Duo’. These are the Raw data files – they are in fact the ones we use to publish our racecards on the website.

Then for the final 24 hour update we create a SFF style file which is the one people are most interested in. This is a Single File Format which has as it suggest, all the information in one file. Not only that but are published during this 24 hour – in advance of racing – stage.

Daily Racecard CSV File Data

The data that is contained in each Daily Racecard CSV file covers all the most pertinent information around each race and is detailed below. Many of our customers find the CSV files an invaluable source, as this was something they found time consuming in trying to create themselves. This leaves them free to concentrate in adapting the information for their own specific requirements.

Daily Racecard CSV File Explained

Here are the details  contained in the racecard CSV Files. The explanation and screenshots are split into 3 sections and all form the final Racecard.CSV. Firstly the screenshot below is from the races file. It shows columns of data for the race details.

Racecard CSV File Race Details
Racecard CSV File Race Details
  • Col A – For every race this is the ID which will correspond to the RacesID in the horses file
  • Col B – The racecourse for each race
  • Col C – Time the race is scheduled to start
  • Col D – Race name or title
  • Col E – Race distance in Miles-Furlongs-Yards
  • Col F – Class of the race, 1 being highest & the Age Range for the age range that a race maybe restricted to
  • Col G – The prize money for winner in the local currency
  • Col H – The going at time the file is published
  • Col I – Number of horses to run in the race

Now the second of the files known as Horses, which covers complete details for the runners in each of the days races. We provide this file in CSV and also as an XLXS in an additional file. Some column headers are legacy ones. i.e. Race Time when we first generated the data this column contained not only the course name, but also the time of the race. We decided to omit the time part eventually. Similarly the AgeWt contained the age as part of this field. In the end we opted to put the Age in its own separate column.

Racecard File - Horse Details
Racecard File - Horse Details
  • RacesId         This corresponds to the ID column in the Races file
  • RaceTime     The course that the race is being run at
  • CardNo          The official race card number allocated to a horse
  • HorseName  Horses name (with country of breeding)
  • AgeWt           The weight a horse will carry Pounds-Stones
  • Trainer          A horses trainer
  • Jockey          The rider for each horse
  • OR                  The Official Rating as rated by the racing governing body
  • FFigs             A horses last 6 finishing positions with the latest to the right
  • Draw              Which racing stall at the start of a race that a horse will run from
  • Days               The number of days a horse last ran
  • Age                The age of the horse when the race takes place
  • Aid                 Any head  gear that is being worn and a 1 denotes first time it has been applied. It is also the column we put any Penalty (ex weight) a horse has received
  • Allow             A jockeys allowance in pounds that will be deducted from the weight the horse is set to carry
  • cdb                Course & Distance (CD), or Distance (D), or Course (C) winner letters. Plus a Beaten Favourite  (bf) is noted here.

Final data at 24 hour stage

With the 24 hour download we include all the information above as one file including these additional fields  as shown to you below. Downloading the Sample File(s), which will show exactly what you will be receiving.

Here you can see the Class Rating for each horse in this data format. They are replicated from the cards seen on the racecard web/html pages. The predicted  Odds data is included. As a bonus we have the horses weight to be carried in total pounds which makes converting your own ratings easier.

RacingFormBook Racecard CSV
Racecard SFF extra Data
  • BR2 – Reserved for Best Class Rating from the last 2 races when published*
  • BR3 – Reserved for Best Class Rating from the last 3 races when published*
  • BRY – Reserved for Best Class Rating from the last year (12 months) when published*
  • Odds – A guide to the starting price
  • WtLbs -The total weight in pounds

*Currently CR’s are not being published



Obtaining The Files and Summary

In summary at the 24 hour stage you will be able to download these files

  • Race.csv
  • Horse.xls
  • Horse.csv
  • Racecard.csv

Please download a copy of the Sample files we use as an example by clicking the button below. With Excel please be aware that Excel is not very good at importing CSV as it attempts to correct some columns to Date format.
A CSV needs importing into a spreadsheet. See this guide https://www.racingformbook.co.uk/sample/Importing_CSV_to_Excel.pdf

We provide the files to our Subscribers as one of the services that they receive. To become a Subscriber or register as a member for Free then Click Membership Options.

There are not many places where you can obtain the days horse racing cards in a CSV format, so we hope that in providing them we can assist those looking for this information.

As always please send any comments or question to us via the Contact Us page or email support@racingformbook.com

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Simply put RacingFormBook will help inform and assist you to find winners and enjoyment from Horse Racing. Provide historical horse racing results data.

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To further anyone’s ambition to use the information, whether this is as a point of reference, a repository for their ratings or to enable the research into racing systems.

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